In addition to traditional promotional items such as apparel or giveaways, the packaging you use to ship your products can also be a way to promote your brand. Custom packaging will provide recognition and distinction from the other items in your customer’s mail. You can also use packaging materials as another medium for a marketing message to your customers. In this post, we explore a few of the custom packaging options available and ways to utilize their decoration.
Everyone recognizes the Amazon smile sitting on a front porch. Walmart’s blue boxes are also seeing more exposure with their own online deliveries. A custom branded shipping box can display quality and credibility of the company sending their product.
Packing tape
You’ll need something to seal those boxes, why not use customized tape? If branded boxes are out of the budget, custom packing tape is a great way to still get your brand on your packaging when sending items.
Custom polybags are great for t-shirts and other soft goods. Lightweight and able to conform to your item, these can be a great way for additional promotion when sending out customer orders.
Flat Mailers
Flat mailers are great for documents, catalogs, and other similar items. Maybe your product is actually a service and you’re more likely to send information than an actual product. Custom flat mailers will help create a complete information package for your customers and prospects.
So before you send out your next batch of orders or product information, think about the opportunity for more brand exposure or marketing messaging with custom packaging. And as always, feel free to reach out to us at Everything Ink for ideas on how to take advantage of custom shipping materials.